Comment 12 for bug 264175

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Gustavo Carneiro (gjc) wrote :

Alas, in that case I cannot offer any more hypotheses. Pycairo_IMPORT; expands to:

   Pycairo_CAPI = (Pycairo_CAPI_t*) PyCObject_Import("cairo", "CAPI");

If this crashes, it is deep inside Python. Clearly, pygoocanvas is not doing anything wrong.

I don't really know how to debug this further without forcing you to recompile from scratch python itself (with debugging symbols), pycairo, pygobject, pygtk, and finally pygoocanvas.

Alternatively, it's a long shot, but perhaps the output of the following command will offer some clue:

   strace python -c "import goocanvas"