Comment 0 for bug 1862664

Revision history for this message
Puwen Hsiao (puwen-hsiao) wrote :

Tested with following configuration:
1) CentOS 7.6 + Python 3.8.1 -> Fail
2) CentOS 7.6 + Python 3.6 -> Pass
3) Ubuntu 18.04.3 + Python 3.8.1 -> Fail
4) Ubuntu 18.04.3 + Python 3.7 -> Pass
5) Windows 10 + Python 3.8.1 -> Fail
5) Windows 10 + Python 3.6 -> Pass

[Utility Version]
$ python3 --version
Python 3.8.1
$ python3 -m pip list|grep -i pyghmi
pyghmi 1.5.6

[Test Steps]
1) Run script by using Python 3.8.1 (please see Attachment)
2) Wait for script to finish

[Test Logs]
$ python3
{'netfn': 7, 'command': 1, 'code': 0, 'data': [32, 1, 3, 101, 2, 191, 124, 42, 0, 56, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0]}
^CException ignored in: <module 'threading' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/", line 1388, in _shutdown