asmeurer I've asked repeatedly that it not be necessary. That said, mypy-lang folks continue to insist it is necessary.
Regardless, I don't think pyflakes wants to do PEP 484 work since that's mypy-lang's area of expertise Thomas. Further, pyflakes needs a better AST considering the current one does *not* preserve comments. Without preserving comments, PyFlakes cannot introspect comments for # type: Foo to find that it is being used.
asmeurer I've asked repeatedly that it not be necessary. That said, mypy-lang folks continue to insist it is necessary.
Regardless, I don't think pyflakes wants to do PEP 484 work since that's mypy-lang's area of expertise Thomas. Further, pyflakes needs a better AST considering the current one does *not* preserve comments. Without preserving comments, PyFlakes cannot introspect comments for # type: Foo to find that it is being used.