Stewart, upstream has a report reg. this as well:
There are also fixes in git:;a=commitdiff;h=d2311689910240e425741a546576129f4c9735e2;a=commitdiff;h=84b793416b52311643bfd456a4544444afbfb5da
Should we use those just to be on the safe side?
BTW: Steward, would you be interested to take over python-crypto? I don#t need it anymore
Stewart, upstream has a report reg. this as well:
https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/pycrypto/ +bug/269429
There are also fixes in git:
http:// gitweb. pycrypto. org/?p= crypto/ pycrypto- 2.x.git; a=commitdiff; h=d231168991024 0e425741a546576 129f4c9735e2 gitweb. pycrypto. org/?p= crypto/ pycrypto- 2.x.git; a=commitdiff; h=84b793416b523 11643bfd456a454 4444afbfb5da
Should we use those just to be on the safe side?
BTW: Steward, would you be interested to take over python-crypto? I don#t need it anymore