Comment 2 for bug 885425

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Julian Ceipek (jceipek) wrote :

Yes, I was talking about the vehicles branch. I'm working on a simulation project (trying to recreate Karl Sims' virtual creatures work using Python), and my team needs to use constraints as joints between body parts.

We would like to contribute to pybullet if we can, but our primary objective is to get the physics portion of the project implemented as quickly as possible so that we can focus on writing the neural network and genetic algorithm part of the project.

At the moment, our options are
1) modify trunk to add the basic hinge and point constraints we need
2) fix rev 39 of the vehicles branch
3) modify rev 38 of the vehicles branch to support debug mode
4) switch to a 2d physics library like pymunk (which is less exciting)

Please let me know if you have any advice for moving forward with this; we would really like to use pybullet if possible, and we will be sure to make any improvements we make available on Launchpad.