Comment 2 for bug 301187

Revision history for this message
Ray C Horn (mrpython94596) wrote :

yet another refinement now that I am using 0.9.7 and my previous fix for this issue seems to be moot...

    def __processQueryResult(self, query_result):
        """ processes the result from a query or queryAll call into an
        Batch, calling queryMore as necessary to complete the query

        @param query_result: return result from a query or queryAll call
        @note: Although queryMore also returns a query_result this is not
            intended to be a primary input to this method. Rather, these are
            handled internally to this method and aggregated into the

        @return: a Batch populated with the sobject(s) found by the
            query call that produced the query_result parameter.
        @rtype: pyax.sobject.batch.Batch
        sobject_records, done, query_locator = self._unpackQueryResult(query_result)
        sobject_records = sobject_records if (isinstance(sobject_records,list)) else [sobject_records]
        while not done:
            records, done, query_locator = self._unpackQueryResult(query_result)

        query_result_batch = self.__resultToObject(sobject_records)
        if (done is True) and (len(query_result_batch) == 0):
            query_result_batch = dict([(k,query_result[k]._dir) for k in query_result.keys()])
        return query_result_batch

This fix seeks to return the COUNT() as a dict.

This is just my 2 cents since the original pyax code did not even handle the COUNT() SOQL Statement at-all but if it did handle COUNT() it was not clear to me from the code I saw from pyax.