It only appears in the Mesa 12 source code and not Mesa 11 (except by accident of our own making where the colours will appear backwards -> bug 1473901).
So it would appear that Mesa accepting the unsupported pixel format was a Mir bug 1473901. But that shouldn't matter starting in Mesa 12.x because upstream Mesa *seems* to support little endian GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888 properly (which to Android is the same thing as big endian HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888).
Assuming it works and is not a mistake, Mesa 12.x will finally speak the same pixel format as Android, which might solve this bug.
Good news! Maybe...
In comment #13 I said "We can't immediately make Mesa use Android's preferred XBGR format."
Turns out though that the imminent new Mesa 12 release adds the missing GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888 that Android prefers: /cgit.freedeskt mesa/mesa/ tree/src/ gbm/backends/ dri/gbm_ dri.c?h= 12.0#n542
It only appears in the Mesa 12 source code and not Mesa 11 (except by accident of our own making where the colours will appear backwards -> bug 1473901).
So it would appear that Mesa accepting the unsupported pixel format was a Mir bug 1473901. But that shouldn't matter starting in Mesa 12.x because upstream Mesa *seems* to support little endian GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888 properly (which to Android is the same thing as big endian HAL_PIXEL_ FORMAT_ RGBX_8888) .
Assuming it works and is not a mistake, Mesa 12.x will finally speak the same pixel format as Android, which might solve this bug.