Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/havana
commit b50779cf607e9012da55f5f7c098083a8f2a3358 Author: Mathieu Gagné <email address hidden> Date: Mon Mar 10 21:46:17 2014 -0400
Introduce nova::config + Update nova::config example description.
Add a new class nova::config which allows the creation and management of arbitrary nova_config and nova_api_paste_ini resources.
This will add the ability for the end user to use Hiera to manage those resources.
The original example in nova::config is syntax invalid. Besides fixing that, this patch also gives an example in yaml format.
(cherry-picked from 40188356 and 133d5da1 in master) Change-Id: Iad7a2b764884887a75f5f6db3e1660644e07c5c0 Closes-bug: #1290634
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/97272 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ puppet- nova/commit/ ?id=b50779cf607 e9012da55f5f7c0 98083a8f2a3358
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/havana
commit b50779cf607e901 2da55f5f7c09808 3a8f2a3358
Author: Mathieu Gagné <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 10 21:46:17 2014 -0400
Introduce nova::config + Update nova::config example description.
Add a new class nova::config which allows the creation and
management of arbitrary nova_config and nova_api_paste_ini resources.
This will add the ability for the end user to use Hiera to manage
those resources.
The original example in nova::config is syntax invalid.
Besides fixing that, this patch also gives an example in yaml format.
(cherry-picked from 40188356 and 133d5da1 in master) 7a75f5f6db3e166 0644e07c5c0
Change-Id: Iad7a2b76488488
Closes-bug: #1290634