Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/pike
commit 73635f17cde44bc488aa65efe88a15614065904b Author: ZhongShengping <> Date: Tue Apr 10 14:48:32 2018 +0800
Fixes missing 'geneve' network type
The network type drivers were missing 'geneve', which will allow nodes to attach nova instances to geneve networks. This should be allowed by default[1].
Change-Id: I1a1bfaa2619edde8a463cd3a6bc6412738d7f596 Closes-Bug: #1762667 (cherry picked from commit dd7fd5586c41a8a873ba18426e277b7f36551e9b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/570129 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ puppet- neutron/ commit/ ?id=73635f17cde 44bc488aa65efe8 8a15614065904b
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/pike
commit 73635f17cde44bc 488aa65efe88a15 614065904b
Author: ZhongShengping <>
Date: Tue Apr 10 14:48:32 2018 +0800
Fixes missing 'geneve' network type
The network type drivers were missing 'geneve', which will allow nodes to
attach nova instances to geneve networks. This should be allowed by
[1]https:/ /github. com/openstack/ puppet- neutron/ blob/master/ manifests/ plugins/ ml2/type_ driver. pp#L121
Change-Id: I1a1bfaa2619edd e8a463cd3a6bc64 12738d7f596 873ba18426e277b 7f36551e9b)
Closes-Bug: #1762667
(cherry picked from commit dd7fd5586c41a8a