Comment #51 : Bug #743198 : Bugs : Pithos

Comment 51 for bug 743198

Revision history for this message
Matt Harrison (mattharrison) wrote :

Just a FYI about the patch. I based my patch code on the misc.sync method taken from here:

The case 0: block starting at line 248.
The case 0: block starting at line 892.

I did the decoding different from pianobar, just using the default pandora_decrypt from Pithos and using a regex to strip out anything but the timestamp.
It worked in my case, and lets me listen.

Kevin Mehall: The timeoffset is set to self.time_offset. That should keep it for all future xmlrpc calls unless the Pandora class is ever created without doing a login call. Not sure if it does without reviewing the entire codebase.

I also like the cleaner implementation in xmlrpc_call instead of just not setting listenerId to not send the timestamp.