It's great that so many folks have contributed ideas, but nearly every one posted is unsuitable for use as an icon. Before you submit anything, you need to scale it down to 32x32 and 16x16 and see how they look. Tiny details like handles on a vase or gradients or thin text will disappear at best, or look bad at worst. In point of fact, most icons that end up in actual use require tweaking by hand for each size they're scaled to--they aren't just automatically resized by software from the SVG master.
I actually think the current icon is very good: it's unique and has decent contrast and looks good at small sizes. Perhaps the colors could be adjusted a little--it's unusual for the highlights to be white and the main color to be black/dark-gray--but I think the basic layout is fine.
It's great that so many folks have contributed ideas, but nearly every one posted is unsuitable for use as an icon. Before you submit anything, you need to scale it down to 32x32 and 16x16 and see how they look. Tiny details like handles on a vase or gradients or thin text will disappear at best, or look bad at worst. In point of fact, most icons that end up in actual use require tweaking by hand for each size they're scaled to--they aren't just automatically resized by software from the SVG master.
I actually think the current icon is very good: it's unique and has decent contrast and looks good at small sizes. Perhaps the colors could be adjusted a little--it's unusual for the highlights to be white and the main color to be black/dark- gray--but I think the basic layout is fine.