Comment 4 for bug 1176240

Revision history for this message
Andreas Stieger (andreasstieger) wrote :

I do not see how this a bug for xtrabackup. Qpress can be trivially built, and I have added this to my preferred distribution as a standard package. An third-party package publisher should not be concerned with supplying every single item.

On that note, I found the compressio ratio (not the compression speed) of qpress to fall below what I require. I prefer streaming backups using xbstream and then using my own compression, or offline compression from a disk cache. Here, pixz is my current preference favouring very good compression ratios with the ability to use all CPUs in the system.

The is a good chance you are running to RHEL/CentOS. So as a courtesy for your friendly openSUSE packager your will qpress package (and pixz, for that matter) in the repositories below.