Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
But it will found correct differences and won't corrupt data:
It seems what DBI delegates proper handling of data types to database driver and DBD/mysql.pm has this code:
520 elsif ($basetype =~ /^(binary| varbinary) /) {COLUMN_ SIZE} = $type_params[0];
521 {
522 $info->
523 # SQL_BINARY & SQL_VARBINARY are tempting here but don't match the
524 # semantics for mysql (not hex). SQL_CHAR & SQL_VARCHAR are correct here.
525 $info->{DATA_TYPE} = ($basetype eq 'binary') ? SQL_CHAR() : SQL_VARCHAR();
526 }
And SQL_CHAR/ SQL_VARCHAR have character set defined (unlike binary)
So partially working workaround could be:
1. Create custom checksum table which will use binary character set instead of utf8:
CREATE TABLE `checksums` ( tbl`,`chunk` ),
`db` binary(64) NOT NULL,
`tbl` binary(64) NOT NULL,
`chunk` int(11) NOT NULL,
`chunk_time` float DEFAULT NULL,
`chunk_index` varbinary(200) DEFAULT NULL,
`lower_boundary` blob,
`upper_boundary` blob,
`this_crc` binary(40) NOT NULL,
`this_cnt` int(11) NOT NULL,
`master_crc` binary(40) DEFAULT NULL,
`master_cnt` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `ts_db_tbl` (`ts`,`db`,`tbl`)
2. Run pt-table-checksum with binary character set:
~/build/ percona- toolkit/ bin/pt- table-checksum --set-vars innodb_ lock_wait_ timeout= 50 --tables=db1.t1 --empty- replicate- table --recursion- method= dsn=h=127. 0.0.1,P= 13001,u= root,D= percona, t=dsns --max-load= "Threads_ connected= 1300, Threads_running=20" --progress="time,5" --chunk-time=0.005 --max-lag=1 --pause- file="/ tmp/ptchecksum. pause" --no-check- binlog- format --no-check- replication- filters --chunk-size=10 h=127.0. 0.1,P=13001, u=root, A=binary
3. It will hang:
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
Waiting to check replicas for differences: 0% 00:00 remain
But it will found correct differences and won't corrupt data:
mysql> select hex(lower_ boundary) , length( lower_boundary) , hex(upper_ boundary) , length( upper_boundary) from checksums; ------- ------- ------- ------- +------ ------- ------- ----+-- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+-- ------- ------- ------- -+ lower_boundary) | hex(upper_boundary) | length( upper_boundary) | ------- ------- ------- ------- +------ ------- ------- ----+-- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+-- ------- ------- ------- -+ 2BA213859F9E35A 10 | 16 | 18553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 18 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 19 | 16 | 27553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 27 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 28 | 16 | 36553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 36 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 37 | 16 | 45553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 45 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 46 | 16 | 5553C504DD011E2 BA213859F9E35A5 00 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 55 | 16 | 64553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 64 | 16 | BA213859F9E35A6 00 | 16 | 73553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 73 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 74 | 16 | 78553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 78 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 79 | 16 | 87553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 87 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 88 | 16 | 96553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 96 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 97 | 16 | 99553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 99 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 10 | 16 | 2BA213859F9E35A 99 | 16 | NULL | NULL | ------- ------- ------- ------- +------ ------- ------- ----+-- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+-- ------- ------- ------- -+
| hex(lower_boundary) | length(
| 10553C504DD011E
| 19553C504DD011E
| 28553C504DD011E
| 37553C504DD011E
| 46553C504DD011E
| 55553C504DD011E
| 6553C504DD011E2
| 74553C504DD011E
| 79553C504DD011E
| 88553C504DD011E
| 97553C504DD011E
| NULL | NULL | 10553C504DD011E
| 99553C504DD011E
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Test for the first range:
mysql> select count(*) from db1.t1 where guid > unhex(' 10553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 10') and guid < unhex(' 18553C504DD011E 2BA213859F9E35A 18');
| count(*) |
| 8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Carlos, I am still not 100% sure this is DBD::mysql bug, but if you think so its bug database is at https:/ /rt.cpan. org/Public/ Dist/Display. html?Name= DBD-mysql