I have verified this - this is missing probably after big packaging changes in versions 5.5.36-34.0 and 5.6.16-64.1
After adding dependency and include line patches work.
Just need to see what's with the 20_scripts__mysql_create_system_tables__no_test.dpatch and what needs to be changed regarding that one.
Automake and autoconf part for 5.5 is also correct since for 5.5 handlersocket wasn't ported to cmake.
I have verified this - this is missing probably after big packaging changes in versions 5.5.36-34.0 and 5.6.16-64.1 _mysql_ create_ system_ tables_ _no_test. dpatch and what needs to be changed regarding that one.
After adding dependency and include line patches work.
Just need to see what's with the 20_scripts_
Automake and autoconf part for 5.5 is also correct since for 5.5 handlersocket wasn't ported to cmake.
Thank you Patrick!