Instead create a directory /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service.d/ and put a file (for example override.conf) there with your changes:
But it would be a good idea to have more sane defaults in the unit provided by the percona package.
BTW, mysql will complain (log a Warning) on startup if it can't set the values for open files or max_connections, so it should have been spotted before putting it in production :)
Don't change config files in /lib/systemd. They will be overwritten. https:/ /dev.mysql. com/doc/ refman/ 5.7/en/ server- management- using-systemd. html
Instead create a directory /etc/systemd/ system/ mysql.service. d/ and put a file (for example override.conf) there with your changes:
But it would be a good idea to have more sane defaults in the unit provided by the percona package.
BTW, mysql will complain (log a Warning) on startup if it can't set the values for open files or max_connections, so it should have been spotted before putting it in production :)