Looks like the static-openssl job was not run for 5.6.14 - http://jenkins.percona.com/view/PS%205.6/job/percona-server-5.6-binaries-static-openssl/ (last run for 5.6.13) and it is not a triggered job. Having a master release job like http://jenkins.percona.com/view/XtraDB-Cluster/job/percona-xtradb-cluster-RELEASE/ for PS should fix this (so that no jobs are forgotten).
Looks like the static-openssl job was not run for 5.6.14 - http:// jenkins. percona. com/view/ PS%205. 6/job/percona- server- 5.6-binaries- static- openssl/ (last run for 5.6.13) and it is not a triggered job. Having a master release job like http:// jenkins. percona. com/view/ XtraDB- Cluster/ job/percona- xtradb- cluster- RELEASE/ for PS should fix this (so that no jobs are forgotten).