dec_thread_count() is declared in include/thread_pool_priv.h as follows:
/* Decrement connection counter */ void dec_connection_count();
However, the threadpool patch has added the 'thd' argument to the definition without changing the declaration:
void dec_connection_count(THD *thd) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_connection_count); (*thd->scheduler->connection_count)--; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_connection_count); }
dec_thread_count() is declared in include/ thread_ pool_priv. h as follows:
/* Decrement connection counter */ count() ;
void dec_connection_
However, the threadpool patch has added the 'thd' argument to the definition without changing the declaration:
void dec_connection_ count(THD *thd) mutex_lock( &LOCK_connectio n_count) ; >scheduler- >connection_ count)- -; mutex_unlock( &LOCK_connectio n_count) ;