
Comment 1 for bug 699593

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Bert Timmerman (bert-timmerman) wrote :


I have looked into this matter a little bit.

This feature is not going to be easily solved on the ps-HID level, it goes deeper than that.

Changes will have to be made in draw.c in PrintAssembly () and possibly a macro for this feature needs to be added in macro.h.

A quick-and-dirty workaround is to change into "view values" in pcb with "View/Displayed Element Name/Values" (WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get).

Then export to ps in multi file mode, rename your_assembly.ps to your_assembly_with_values.ps.

Go back to viewing "Reference Designators" generate a your_assembly.ps and rename to your_assembly_with_refdesses.ps.

And then, last thing to do, glue all the ps-files into one multi-file with some scripting.

And yes I know, this is cumbersome.

When given time, I will further investigate for a solution.

Just my EUR 0.02 for now.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.