Comment 1 for bug 1738685

Revision history for this message
Clark Boylan (cboylan) wrote :

The whitespace is there because the `git log` output prefixes commit messages with whitespace to format them nicely. Reading the manpage for git log I am not immediately finding any way to prevent it from doing that. When writing the commit message you should left align your Sem-Ver: api-break entries.

Performing some local testing I've found that only the first 'Sem-Ver: api-break' in a commit message after a git tag will have any effect. This is because multiple api breaking changes can be rolled into a single major version release.

For example if we have a git log that looks something like:

C -> B -> A (1.0.0)

Then Sem-Ver: api-break on B will cause the autodetected version to be 2.0.0.dev1 but an api-break on C after B will still be 2.0.0.dev2 because you can tag C 2.0.0 and be correct.

If this behavior doesn't describe what you are observing can you provide more info about your git commits and tags? Maybe even include the git log output.