Set Tempest's service_availability setting for Trove
Tempest's service_availability config option includes all the service
availability which is further used by tests to take decision of skip
or run the test.
For example, [service_availability].trove is true then, trove test will run
or if [service_availability].trove is false then, all trove related tests either
in trove tempest plugin or any other plugins will be skipped.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/619984 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ trove/commit/ ?id=d5d9342beef f5c8ac655073b89 86feb6b91a9f25
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit d5d9342beeff5c8 ac655073b8986fe b6b91a9f25
Author: ghanshyam <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 26 08:25:23 2018 +0000
Set Tempest's service_ availability setting for Trove
Tempest's service_ availability config option includes all the service
availability which is further used by tests to take decision of skip
or run the test.
For example, [service_ availability] .trove is true then, trove test will run availability] .trove is false then, all trove related tests either
or if [service_
in trove tempest plugin or any other plugins will be skipped.
Currently this setting for trove service[1] is in devstack lib/tempest /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 619973/
which is being removed by - https:/
For better maintenance, we are moving all tempest non-owned service setting
to service devstack plugin side.
This commit add the setting of trove service on trove devstack plugin.
Closes-Bug: #1743688 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ trove-tempest- plugin/ tree/trove_ tempest_ plugin/ config. py#n17
[1] https:/
Needed-By: https:/ /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 619973/ fcfe29ec3f412e7 04f3ad79d61
Change-Id: Ie3c6bab6e0be9d