Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit aa779c5bd46649d9b672e1112c9e65ec857cde66 Author: Anusha Ramineni <email address hidden> Date: Mon Feb 5 10:03:26 2018 +0530
Configure tempest service_availability correctly
To be able to correctly identify services are enabled or not to run respective tempest tests, configure the same in devstack plugin in proper way, instead of deciding the service availability based on import of plugins.
Closes-Bug: #1743688 Change-Id: I9cbe3f1307b78d0e703069bc6c011b62c0d3c51f
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/533133 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ congress/ commit/ ?id=aa779c5bd46 649d9b672e1112c 9e65ec857cde66
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit aa779c5bd46649d 9b672e1112c9e65 ec857cde66
Author: Anusha Ramineni <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 5 10:03:26 2018 +0530
Configure tempest service_ availability correctly
To be able to correctly identify services are enabled or not to
run respective tempest tests, configure the same in devstack plugin
in proper way, instead of deciding the service availability based on
import of plugins.
Closes-Bug: #1743688 0e703069bc6c011 b62c0d3c51f
Change-Id: I9cbe3f1307b78d