Comment 8 for bug 1462664

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Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote : Re: Geolocation app is freezing in a few mobiles

Marcos, I just had a quick look at the code for unav, and I think it would be very useful if you could instrument the JS code with a few debug logs to try and figure out what’s going on for users who can observe the freeze.

Could you get someone who can reliably reproduce the issue attach the corresponding log file? It should be at /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-click-navigator.costales_navigator_0.11.log

Is it possible that the index.html page is ever reloaded, thus leading to more than one call to watchPosition() through the lifetime of the app?
Also, I’m not really sure what purpose the "if (prev_run <= $.now())" test serves. According to the W3C spec for watchPosition ( « the successCallback is only invoked when a new position is obtained and this position differs significantly from the previously reported position ». So presumably if you get two success callbacks in a row, it’s because the position has changed enough that you really want to update the position on the map anyway.