Gracefully ERROR in _init_instance if vnic_type changed
If the vnic_type of a bound port changes from "direct" to "macvtap" and
then the compute service is restarted then during _init_instance nova
tries to plug the vif of the changed port. However as it now has macvtap
vnic_type nova tries to look up the netdev of the parent VF. Still that
VF is consumed by the instance so there is no such netdev on the host
OS. This error killed the compute service at startup due to unhandled
exception. This patch adds the exception handler, logs an ERROR and
continue initializing other instances on the host.
Also this patch adds a detailed ERROR log when nova detects that the
vnic_type changed during _heal_instance_info_cache periodic.
Closes-Bug: #1981813
Change-Id: I1719f8eda04e8d15a3b01f0612977164c4e55e85
(cherry picked from commit e43bf900dc8ca66578603bed333c56b215b1876e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /859313 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ a28c82719545d5c 8ee7f3ff1361b3a 796e05095a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/yoga
commit a28c82719545d5c 8ee7f3ff1361b3a 796e05095a
Author: Balazs Gibizer <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 15 13:48:46 2022 +0200
Gracefully ERROR in _init_instance if vnic_type changed
If the vnic_type of a bound port changes from "direct" to "macvtap" and
then the compute service is restarted then during _init_instance nova
tries to plug the vif of the changed port. However as it now has macvtap
vnic_type nova tries to look up the netdev of the parent VF. Still that
VF is consumed by the instance so there is no such netdev on the host
OS. This error killed the compute service at startup due to unhandled
exception. This patch adds the exception handler, logs an ERROR and
continue initializing other instances on the host.
Also this patch adds a detailed ERROR log when nova detects that the info_cache periodic.
vnic_type changed during _heal_instance_
Closes-Bug: #1981813 15a3b01f0612977 164c4e55e85 578603bed333c56 b215b1876e)
Change-Id: I1719f8eda04e8d
(cherry picked from commit e43bf900dc8ca66