[ovs fw] Restrict IPv6 NA and DHCP(v6) IP and MAC source addresses
Neighbor Advertisments are used to inform other machines of the MAC
address to use to reach an IPv6. This commits prevents VMs from
pretending they are assigned IPv6 they should not use.
It also prevents sending UDP packets with spoofed IP or MAC even using
DHCP(v6) request ports.
Co-authored-by: David Sinquin <email address hidden>
Closes-bug: #1902917
Change-Id: Iffb6643359562487414460f5a7e19a7fae9f935c
(cherry picked from commit ca7822e2108c151bda992ef8a6d454ec2c6d890e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /neutron/ +/791464 /opendev. org/openstack/ neutron/ commit/ cb746e2ca454885 ba5cf653493b9bb 0e91480759
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit cb746e2ca454885 ba5cf653493b9bb 0e91480759
Author: Slawek Kaplonski <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 29 22:21:15 2021 +0200
[ovs fw] Restrict IPv6 NA and DHCP(v6) IP and MAC source addresses
Neighbor Advertisments are used to inform other machines of the MAC
address to use to reach an IPv6. This commits prevents VMs from
pretending they are assigned IPv6 they should not use.
It also prevents sending UDP packets with spoofed IP or MAC even using
DHCP(v6) request ports.
Co-authored-by: David Sinquin <email address hidden>
Closes-bug: #1902917
Change-Id: Iffb66433595624 87414460f5a7e19 a7fae9f935c bda992ef8a6d454 ec2c6d890e)
(cherry picked from commit ca7822e2108c151