commit d48147b0fc192c49646951294479573e4ed9ae78
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 28 22:21:53 2016 -0700
OVS: Add mac spoofing filtering to flows
The mac-spoofing filtering done by iptables was
not adequate. See the bug report and change
I39dc0e23fc118ede19ef2d986b29fc5a8e48ff78 for
more information.
This patch adds flows to the OVS agent to block
any traffic from the VM that isn't in the allowed
address pairs macs or the mac address field of
the port.
This had to be heavily modified to work with Kilo due to
the lack of a pluggable openflow interface that was present
in master, mitaka, and liberty.
Closes-Bug: #1558658
Change-Id: I02984b21872e0f183db7404c10d8180dbd89075f
(cherry-picked from 997d7b03fb7f5528f0a3ce70867b9dcd9321509e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/299028 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron/ commit/ ?id=d48147b0fc1 92c496469512944 79573e4ed9ae78
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit d48147b0fc192c4 964695129447957 3e4ed9ae78
Author: Kevin Benton <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 28 22:21:53 2016 -0700
OVS: Add mac spoofing filtering to flows
The mac-spoofing filtering done by iptables was 118ede19ef2d986 b29fc5a8e48ff78 for
not adequate. See the bug report and change
more information.
This patch adds flows to the OVS agent to block
any traffic from the VM that isn't in the allowed
address pairs macs or the mac address field of
the port.
This had to be heavily modified to work with Kilo due to
the lack of a pluggable openflow interface that was present
in master, mitaka, and liberty.
Closes-Bug: #1558658 183db7404c10d81 80dbd89075f 8f0a3ce70867b9d cd9321509e)
Change-Id: I02984b21872e0f
(cherry-picked from 997d7b03fb7f552