Title: Denial of Service in Neutron allowed address pair
Reporter: Liping Mao (Cisco)
Products: Neutron
Versions: up to 2013.2.3, and 2014.1 versions up to 2014.1.1
Liping Mao from Cisco reported a denial of service vulnerability in Neutron's handling of address pair. By creating a large number of allowed address pair, an authenticated user may overwhelm neutron firewall rules and render compute nodes unusable. All Neutron setups are affected.
Here is impact description draft #1:
Title: Denial of Service in Neutron allowed address pair
Reporter: Liping Mao (Cisco)
Products: Neutron
Versions: up to 2013.2.3, and 2014.1 versions up to 2014.1.1
Liping Mao from Cisco reported a denial of service vulnerability in Neutron's handling of address pair. By creating a large number of allowed address pair, an authenticated user may overwhelm neutron firewall rules and render compute nodes unusable. All Neutron setups are affected.