oslo_utils.timeutils.isotime() is deprecated as of 1.6 so we need
to stop using it.
The deprecation message says to use datetime.datetime.isoformat()
instead, but the format of the string generated by isoformat isn't
the same as the format of the string generated by isotime. The string
is used in tokens and other public APIs and we can't change it
without potentially breaking clients.
So the workaround is to copy the current implementation from
oslo_utils.timeutils.isotime() to keystone.common.utils.isotime().
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/187751 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ keystone/ commit/ ?id=386054847e3 434122a5070f289 4908ff437d901e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 386054847e34341 22a5070f2894908 ff437d901e
Author: Brant Knudson <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 2 14:55:50 2015 -0500
Switch from deprecated isotime
oslo_ utils.timeutils .isotime( ) is deprecated as of 1.6 so we need
to stop using it.
The deprecation message says to use datetime. datetime. isoformat( )
instead, but the format of the string generated by isoformat isn't
the same as the format of the string generated by isotime. The string
is used in tokens and other public APIs and we can't change it
without potentially breaking clients.
So the workaround is to copy the current implementation from utils.timeutils .isotime( ) to keystone. common. utils.isotime( ).
Closes-Bug: 1461251
Change-Id: Icf821be8cd4ee7 f52c1a3d89bfed3 02488c080f2