This patch specifies a set of options required to setup a retry
context. The context built from those options can later on be
passed to any of the oslo.cache backends that supports pymemcache's
retry mechanisms.
This patch also sets up the retry mechanisms context based on
the configuration option passed via oslo.config and adds it
as an argument to be passed to the selected oslo.cache backend.
This patch is needed to fix a TLS issue on stable branches introduced by
pymemcache (since train), where if a cluster node disappear the client
will fail without retrying to reconnect or to switch to an other node of
the cluster.
Partial-Bug: #1959562
(cherry picked from commit 42bf82d5505a0def3d22972d67fde836f5091ed1)
(cherry picked from commit 23e8e9a9f45956ef7ea74d3d443e518f13b43477)
(cherry picked from commit 55b796be5679ffecc64f1940da425cac5c982fc1)
(cherry picked from commit 91f61a50c0a4df70ff7e9c729aa3feda82e59582)
(cherry picked from commit 973616a87323d2d5300d8062e349b6925ece81bd)
Change-Id: I81e8d1c98726ab2abea984ce8bf46df49beedad3
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /oslo.cache/ +/836868 /opendev. org/openstack/ oslo.cache/ commit/ fbcb07575561eb1 69424687d1150ac 4e546d836a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/train
commit fbcb07575561eb1 69424687d1150ac 4e546d836a
Author: Hervé Beraud <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 6 14:51:15 2021 +0200
Add retry mechanisms to oslo.cache
This patch specifies a set of options required to setup a retry
context. The context built from those options can later on be
passed to any of the oslo.cache backends that supports pymemcache's
retry mechanisms.
This patch also sets up the retry mechanisms context based on
the configuration option passed via oslo.config and adds it
as an argument to be passed to the selected oslo.cache backend.
This patch is needed to fix a TLS issue on stable branches introduced by
pymemcache (since train), where if a cluster node disappear the client
will fail without retrying to reconnect or to switch to an other node of
the cluster.
Partial-Bug: #1959562 f3d22972d67fde8 36f5091ed1) f7ea74d3d443e51 8f13b43477) cc64f1940da425c ac5c982fc1) 0ff7e9c729aa3fe da82e59582) 5300d8062e349b6 925ece81bd) 2abea984ce8bf46 df49beedad3
(cherry picked from commit 42bf82d5505a0de
(cherry picked from commit 23e8e9a9f45956e
(cherry picked from commit 55b796be5679ffe
(cherry picked from commit 91f61a50c0a4df7
(cherry picked from commit 973616a87323d2d
Change-Id: I81e8d1c98726ab