Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/havana
commit 2b2871cd4defbad0878ceb0d1dfc7803cf7c8a83 Author: Flavio Percoco <email address hidden> Date: Fri Dec 6 11:06:09 2013 +0100
Sync rpc fix from oslo-incubator
Sync the following fixes from oslo-incubator:
ef406a2 Create a shared queue for QPID topic consumers e227c0e Properly reconnect subscribing clients when QPID broker restarts
Closes-bug: #1251757 Closes-bug: #1257293 Change-Id: I934a6ea6e9eb510513640870750ea37e6f076df9
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/60533 github. com/openstack/ cinder/ commit/ 2b2871cd4defbad 0878ceb0d1dfc78 03cf7c8a83
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/havana
commit 2b2871cd4defbad 0878ceb0d1dfc78 03cf7c8a83
Author: Flavio Percoco <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 6 11:06:09 2013 +0100
Sync rpc fix from oslo-incubator
Sync the following fixes from oslo-incubator:
ef406a2 Create a shared queue for QPID topic consumers
e227c0e Properly reconnect subscribing clients when QPID broker restarts
Closes-bug: #1251757 0513640870750ea 37e6f076df9
Closes-bug: #1257293
Change-Id: I934a6ea6e9eb51