commit 7c9aa6da92805f20083203a6ec8f93b1b592fc13
Author: He Jie Xu <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 5 00:20:01 2014 +0800
Fix pci_request_id break the upgrade from icehouse to juno
commit a8a5d44c8aca218f00649232c2b8a46aee59b77e add pci_request_id
as one item for the request_network tuple. But the icehouse code
assume only three items in the tuple.
This patch filters pci_request_id out from the tuple.
commit 3f9003270efd9ac036f3c229b36baa0bb05203bf
Author: Russell Bryant <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 8 12:14:31 2014 +0000
Fix broken cert revocation
Cert revocation was broken by
32b0adb591f80ad2c5c19519b4ffc2b55dbea672. os.chdir() never returns
anything, so this method would always raise an exception. The proper
way to handle an error from os.chdir() is to catch OSError.
There were existing tests for this code, but they conveniently mocked
os.chdir() to return values that are never actually returned. The
tests were fixed to match the real behavior.
Change-Id: I7549bb60a7d43d53d6f81eecea31cbb9720cc8b6
Closes-bug: #1376368
(cherry picked from commit c8538208da00c3b0d0646629c9d668aa69944b85)
commit 6ed57972093835f449ad645b3783bbb8b3c4245e
Author: Russell Bryant <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 3 16:41:03 2014 -0400
Update rpc version aliases for juno
Update all of the rpc client API classes to include a version alias
for the latest version implemented in Juno. This alias is needed when
doing rolling upgrades from Juno to Kilo. With this in place, you can
ensure all services only send messages that both Juno and Kilo will
Closes-bug: #1378786
Change-Id: Ia81538130bf8530b70b5f55c7a3d565903ff54b4
(cherry picked from commit f98d725103c53e767a1cddb0b7e2c3822309db17)
When a ProcessExecutionError is thrown by processutils.ssh_execute(),
the exception may contain information such as password. Upstream
applications that just log the message (as several appear to do)
could inadvertently expose these passwords to a user with read access to
the log files. It is therefore considered prudent to invoke
strutils.mask_password() on the command, stdout and stderr in the
exception. A test case has been added (to oslo-incubator) in order to
ensure that all three are properly masked.
An earlier commit (853d8f9897f8563851441108a9be26b10908c076) failed
to address ssh_execute(). This change set addresses ssh_execute.
Converting network_get and network_get_all to use objects broke
the display of the os_networks extension, because IPAddress
fields in Network objects are dumped as lists by the jsonutils
extension. We therefore must explicitly convert these object
field values to string.
The tests are updated to use objects so that we pick up bugs
like this in the future. Incorrect assertEqual parameter order
is fixed in the tests too since these are comparing dicts and
it's not fun debugging a MismatchError when the reference/actual
values are backwards.
Change-Id: I0f05a9b4d7bbe5fe0a3b110c191455ca7edefcb5
Closes-Bug: #1376945
Co-authored-by: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit da25467aafce9b62dd3fdff9d6cd84121fbee17e)
commit 0251b53966eaa9e724377a300ea247367fd778c7
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 5 05:56:35 2014 -0700
Disable libvirt NUMA topology support if libvirt < 1.0.4
If you're not at a new enough version of libvirt, the compute service
fails on startup because VirtNUMATopologyCellUsage is not fully
This add a min version check before trying to get host NUMA topology
Closes-Bug: #1376307
Change-Id: I00f6325cb554bc5e34d9f0fe651af39630f35b5d
(cherry picked from commit 8ba0d9188d492028fcf4e65f908aa2d3db571952)
Destroy orig VM during resize if triggered by user
Patch I7598afbf0dc3c527471af34224003d28e64daaff introduces a
Minesweeper failure, due to the fact that it doesn't distinguish
between destroy operation triggered by the user and by the revert
This patch fixes the issue by checking the task state. If the task
state is revert_resize, the original VM doesn't get deleted.
Closes-Bug: #1376492
Change-Id: Idb9ac6c1ec5dcea52ce8e028f5cce08da1779321
(cherry picked from commit e464bc518e8590d59c2741948466777982ca3319)
The integrated api client previously did the HTTPConnection /
HTTPSConnection url parsing dance. In python 2.x HTTPSConnection
doesn't care about SSL certs at all. While not actually an issue for
these tests, it does mean we keep around an example in the code that
uses HTTPSConnection, which will prevent us from creating a hacking
rule to keep those out once the other 4 actual security issues with
HTTPSConnection are removed.
Change-Id: Idd7d5a055600dda663f9c56b39883510f8688b12
Related-Bug: #1188189
(cherry picked from commit 777a5870c9f29949e6af704bfa03c2e204065ab1)
TrustedFilter was using httplib which doesn't check for CAs.
Here the change is using Requests and verifies local CAs by default (or another
one if provided)
This effort is related to CVE 2013-2255.
Closes-Bug: #1373993
Change-Id: I0b8e6319a4cc39876b1e396ef705f0fc5def1e44
(cherry picked from commit 30871e8702737edbbfbcbbb5f21858873b37685c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/128894 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=9825784742d 010a902ff149765 269ad32a8a0dfd
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 7c9aa6da92805f2 0083203a6ec8f93 b1b592fc13
Author: He Jie Xu <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 5 00:20:01 2014 +0800
Fix pci_request_id break the upgrade from icehouse to juno
commit a8a5d44c8aca218 f00649232c2b8a4 6aee59b77e add pci_request_id
as one item for the request_network tuple. But the icehouse code
assume only three items in the tuple.
This patch filters pci_request_id out from the tuple.
Cherry-Pick from: /review. openstack. org/#/c/ 126144/ 6
Change-Id: I991e1c68324fe9 2fac647583f3ec8 f6aec637913
Closes-Bug: #1377447
commit 10a5eecd0973096 b57efd31f8b27d7 295a44ab89
Author: Andreas Jaeger <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 9 12:22:36 2014 +0200
Updated translations
Commands run:- -ignore- obsolete= true ./openstack- infra/project- config/ jenkins/ scripts/ common_ translation_ update. sh
$ python extract_messages
$ python update_catalog --no-fuzzy-matching \
$ source \
$ setup_loglevel_vars
$ cleanup_po_file nova
Change-Id: I64b2b468f7edd4 4dbb445b5b4e68b 65c3fa53d9e
commit 3f9003270efd9ac 036f3c229b36baa 0bb05203bf
Author: Russell Bryant <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 8 12:14:31 2014 +0000
Fix broken cert revocation
Cert revocation was broken by 80ad2c5c19519b4 ffc2b55dbea672. os.chdir() never returns
anything, so this method would always raise an exception. The proper
way to handle an error from os.chdir() is to catch OSError.
There were existing tests for this code, but they conveniently mocked
os.chdir() to return values that are never actually returned. The
tests were fixed to match the real behavior.
Change-Id: I7549bb60a7d43d 53d6f81eecea31c bb9720cc8b6 0d0646629c9d668 aa69944b85)
Closes-bug: #1376368
(cherry picked from commit c8538208da00c3b
commit 6ed57972093835f 449ad645b3783bb b8b3c4245e
Author: Russell Bryant <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 3 16:41:03 2014 -0400
Update rpc version aliases for juno
Update all of the rpc client API classes to include a version alias
for the latest version implemented in Juno. This alias is needed when
doing rolling upgrades from Juno to Kilo. With this in place, you can
ensure all services only send messages that both Juno and Kilo will
Closes-bug: #1378786 0b70b5f55c7a3d5 65903ff54b4 67a1cddb0b7e2c3 822309db17)
Change-Id: Ia81538130bf853
(cherry picked from commit f98d725103c53e7
commit ee3594072a7ef1c 3f5661021fb3111 8069cbd646
Author: Tristan Cacqueray <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 3 19:53:42 2014 +0000
Mask passwords in exceptions and error messages
When a ProcessExecutio nError is thrown by processutils. ssh_execute( ), mask_password( ) on the command, stdout and stderr in the
the exception may contain information such as password. Upstream
applications that just log the message (as several appear to do)
could inadvertently expose these passwords to a user with read access to
the log files. It is therefore considered prudent to invoke
exception. A test case has been added (to oslo-incubator) in order to
ensure that all three are properly masked.
An earlier commit (853d8f9897f856 3851441108a9be2 6b10908c076) failed
to address ssh_execute(). This change set addresses ssh_execute.
OSSA is aware of this change request.
Change-Id: Ie0caf32469126d d9feb44867adf27 acb6e383958
Closes-Bug: #1377981
commit f98c28228b6db5b 0796e9669b6bd69 2b82bbfa6d
Author: liyingjun <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Sep 6 18:41:51 2014 +0800
Fix KeyError for euca-describe- images
EC2 describe images crashes on volume backed instance snapshot which has
several volumes.
Change-Id: Ibe278688b118db 01c9c3ae1763954 adf19c7ee0d a2a584590e4ccf5 9dd3a41faa)
Closes-bug: #1370265
(cherry picked from commit 1dea1cd710d54d4
commit 0aeffa12a62604e e3238323d969345 e41937b642
Author: Vishvananda Ishaya <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 1 07:43:19 2014 -0700
Fix the os_networks display to show cidr properly
Converting network_get and network_get_all to use objects broke
the display of the os_networks extension, because IPAddress
fields in Network objects are dumped as lists by the jsonutils
extension. We therefore must explicitly convert these object
field values to string.
The tests are updated to use objects so that we pick up bugs
like this in the future. Incorrect assertEqual parameter order
is fixed in the tests too since these are comparing dicts and
it's not fun debugging a MismatchError when the reference/actual
values are backwards.
Change-Id: I0f05a9b4d7bbe5 fe0a3b110c19145 5ca7edefcb5 2dd3fdff9d6cd84 121fbee17e)
Closes-Bug: #1376945
Co-authored-by: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit da25467aafce9b6
commit 0251b53966eaa9e 724377a300ea247 367fd778c7
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 5 05:56:35 2014 -0700
Disable libvirt NUMA topology support if libvirt < 1.0.4
If you're not at a new enough version of libvirt, the compute service yCellUsage is not fully
fails on startup because VirtNUMATopolog
This add a min version check before trying to get host NUMA topology
Closes-Bug: #1376307
Change-Id: I00f6325cb554bc 5e34d9f0fe651af 39630f35b5d 8fcf4e65f908aa2 d3db571952)
(cherry picked from commit 8ba0d9188d49202
commit 5065aeca1b4acad 513c07e3832ec0e 12de2e6568
Author: Arnaud Legendre <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 1 15:46:22 2014 -0700
Destroy orig VM during resize if triggered by user
Patch I7598afbf0dc3c5 27471af34224003 d28e64daaff introduces a
Minesweeper failure, due to the fact that it doesn't distinguish
between destroy operation triggered by the user and by the revert
This patch fixes the issue by checking the task state. If the task
state is revert_resize, the original VM doesn't get deleted.
Closes-Bug: #1376492
Change-Id: Idb9ac6c1ec5dce a52ce8e028f5cce 08da1779321 59c274194846677 7982ca3319)
(cherry picked from commit e464bc518e8590d
commit 7caf12e258f01bf 0811302bbe0d47d d40b56e6f0
Author: Sean Dague <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 25 12:25:26 2014 -0400
move integrated api client to requests library
The integrated api client previously did the HTTPConnection /
HTTPSConnection url parsing dance. In python 2.x HTTPSConnection
doesn't care about SSL certs at all. While not actually an issue for
these tests, it does mean we keep around an example in the code that
uses HTTPSConnection, which will prevent us from creating a hacking
rule to keep those out once the other 4 actual security issues with
HTTPSConnection are removed.
Change-Id: Idd7d5a055600dd a663f9c56b39883 510f8688b12 9e6af704bfa03c2 e204065ab1)
Related-Bug: #1188189
(cherry picked from commit 777a5870c9f2994
commit cc88417637e4967 860619e8d7e43f5 d28957fcda
Author: Sylvain Bauza <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 29 13:33:50 2014 +0200
Fix unsafe SSL connection on TrustedFilter
TrustedFilter was using httplib which doesn't check for CAs.
Here the change is using Requests and verifies local CAs by default (or another
one if provided)
This effort is related to CVE 2013-2255.
Closes-Bug: #1373993
Change-Id: I0b8e6319a4cc39 876b1e396ef705f 0fc5def1e44 bbfbcbbb5f21858 873b37685c)
(cherry picked from commit 30871e8702737ed