commit e92ecd3a428f7ac6ab2ecf613f796e22fa3f6199
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 9 11:52:21 2018 -0500
Delete NeutronLinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver
This is a really old carryover from when neutron was
quantum and the virt drivers would plug/unplug using
the driver defined by the linuxnet_interface_driver
config option, which is deprecated and only used for
nova-network now. We use os-vif now for plugging and
unplugging bridge VIFs with neutron so this old
unused driver code can be removed. It wasn't even
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/616995 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=e92ecd3a428 f7ac6ab2ecf613f 796e22fa3f6199
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit e92ecd3a428f7ac 6ab2ecf613f796e 22fa3f6199
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 9 11:52:21 2018 -0500
Delete NeutronLinuxBri dgeInterfaceDri ver
This is a really old carryover from when neutron was interface_ driver
quantum and the virt drivers would plug/unplug using
the driver defined by the linuxnet_
config option, which is deprecated and only used for
nova-network now. We use os-vif now for plugging and
unplugging bridge VIFs with neutron so this old
unused driver code can be removed. It wasn't even
Change-Id: I07f25685e4fb65 0c22838bc3afab2 bb40809e438
Related-Bug: #1801919