Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/train
commit a8190cd60b59dedb11a8ed27d236d81adee3255d Author: David Vallee Delisle <email address hidden> Date: Wed Dec 18 14:11:33 2019 -0500
Read mounts from /proc/mounts instead of running mount
When creating multiple concurrent volumes, there's a lock that prevents mount from returning quickly. Reading /proc/mounts is way faster.
Change-Id: If31d120955eb216823a55005fdd3d24870aa6b9a Closes-Bug: #1856889 (cherry picked from commit f2409608473c06892b087e44e0041c9ade3f9924)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/709640 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ os-brick/ commit/ ?id=a8190cd60b5 9dedb11a8ed27d2 36d81adee3255d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/train
commit a8190cd60b59ded b11a8ed27d236d8 1adee3255d
Author: David Vallee Delisle <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 18 14:11:33 2019 -0500
Read mounts from /proc/mounts instead of running mount
When creating multiple concurrent volumes, there's a lock
that prevents mount from returning quickly. Reading /proc/mounts
is way faster.
Change-Id: If31d120955eb21 6823a55005fdd3d 24870aa6b9a 92b087e44e0041c 9ade3f9924)
Closes-Bug: #1856889
(cherry picked from commit f2409608473c068