I'm using 12.04 Precise, BOINC version 7.0.24, and it does now seem to stop computation. However, now I'm having the opposite problem. It doesn't seem to detect that the computer is idle to be able to resume computation.
I have while computer is in use unchecked, and I have if the computer has been idle for 2 minutes. My work units switch to a status of "Suspended - computer is in use". I now step back from my computer and wait 2 minutes. My work units do not resume computation.
I think the idle detection is still broken. Now, instead of not detecting computer active to stop computation, it's now not detecting computer idle to resume computation.
I'm using 12.04 Precise, BOINC version 7.0.24, and it does now seem to stop computation. However, now I'm having the opposite problem. It doesn't seem to detect that the computer is idle to be able to resume computation.
I have while computer is in use unchecked, and I have if the computer has been idle for 2 minutes. My work units switch to a status of "Suspended - computer is in use". I now step back from my computer and wait 2 minutes. My work units do not resume computation.
I think the idle detection is still broken. Now, instead of not detecting computer active to stop computation, it's now not detecting computer idle to resume computation.