I have confirmed the problem. The issue is when a sparse disk has been snapshotted. Steps to reprodue:
1. glance image-create --name="dos" --disk-format=vmdk --container-format=bare --is-public=true --property vmware_adaptertype="lsiLogic" --property vmware_disktype="sparse" < nostalgia-disk1.vmdk
2. nova boot --image dos --flVOR 1 Y
3. nova image-create Y YY
4. nova boot --image YY --flavor 1 X
The upload to glance should have the relevant flags set.
I have confirmed the problem. The issue is when a sparse disk has been snapshotted. Steps to reprodue:
1. glance image-create --name="dos" --disk-format=vmdk --container- format= bare --is-public=true --property vmware_ adaptertype= "lsiLogic" --property vmware_ disktype= "sparse" < nostalgia- disk1.vmdk
2. nova boot --image dos --flVOR 1 Y
3. nova image-create Y YY
4. nova boot --image YY --flavor 1 X
The upload to glance should have the relevant flags set.