"The target host on which the virtual machine will run. This must specify a host that is a member of the ComputeResource indirectly specified by the pool. For a stand-alone host or a cluster with DRS, host can be omitted, and the system selects a default."
Root cause: /github. com/openstack/ nova/blob/ master/ nova/virt/ vmwareapi/ L200
Does not specify HOST! pubs.vmware. com/vsphere- 51/index. jsp#com. vmware. wssdk.apiref. doc/vim. Folder. html#createVm
"The target host on which the virtual machine will run. This must specify a host that is a member of the ComputeResource indirectly specified by the pool. For a stand-alone host or a cluster with DRS, host can be omitted, and the system selects a default."