Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit ec94d26386a4514e46d95f5b187e9fbf2b91af81 Author: Khai Do <email address hidden> Date: Wed Oct 22 16:17:28 2014 -0700
Add additional documentation for passing objects to templates
I noticed that users were not really aware of how this feature worked so added additional documentation for it.
Change-Id: Ic5385ae859295cdd015d698ede3da4988efd9ca7 Closes-Bug: 1335945
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/130391 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack- infra/jenkins- job-builder/ commit/ ?id=ec94d26386a 4514e46d95f5b18 7e9fbf2b91af81
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit ec94d26386a4514 e46d95f5b187e9f bf2b91af81
Author: Khai Do <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 22 16:17:28 2014 -0700
Add additional documentation for passing objects to templates
I noticed that users were not really aware of how this feature
worked so added additional documentation for it.
Change-Id: Ic5385ae859295c dd015d698ede3da 4988efd9ca7
Closes-Bug: 1335945