Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 5fc5646cdd7c7cdbc9ce43e8fbcc579346fb0164 Author: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph <email address hidden> Date: Fri Mar 21 07:36:18 2014 -0700
Move bugdaystats to to
The bugdaystats script still runs on old-wiki. Now that we've brought the repo into -infra we can move it over.
Closes-Bug: #1172440
Change-Id: Id02e280ad7261b01b00f3fe0782bd39bcc8409f8
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/82106 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack- infra/config/ commit/ ?id=5fc5646cdd7 c7cdbc9ce43e8fb cc579346fb0164
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 5fc5646cdd7c7cd bc9ce43e8fbcc57 9346fb0164
Author: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 21 07:36:18 2014 -0700
Move bugdaystats to to status. openstack. org
The bugdaystats script still runs on old-wiki. Now that we've
brought the repo into -infra we can move it over.
Closes-Bug: #1172440
Change-Id: Id02e280ad7261b 01b00f3fe0782bd 39bcc8409f8