Add a 'creates' argument to the task installing HATop so that the task
is skipped if it's already installed. Remove 'changed_when' from slurp
tasks. Break the 'Test for log directory or link' shell task into a
couple tasks which use the stat and file module. Remove 'changed_when'
from slurp tasks. Also enable the idempotence test for the gate.
Partial-Bug: 1640144
Change-Id: Id7fe24c9c1ae416abab69d4f42b65c9594805e10
(cherry picked from commit 49da8afb897ad62add3b91fcfae83b221ae59169)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/463020 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ openstack- ansible- haproxy_ server/ commit/ ?id=b29a72f8244 d3b9d0f9655d465 173493a5a61174
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit b29a72f8244d3b9 d0f9655d4651734 93a5a61174
Author: Jimmy McCrory <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 11 10:40:05 2017 -0700
Improve role idempotency
Add a 'creates' argument to the task installing HATop so that the task
is skipped if it's already installed. Remove 'changed_when' from slurp
tasks. Break the 'Test for log directory or link' shell task into a
couple tasks which use the stat and file module. Remove 'changed_when'
from slurp tasks. Also enable the idempotence test for the gate.
Partial-Bug: 1640144 6abab69d4f42b65 c9594805e10 add3b91fcfae83b 221ae59169)
Change-Id: Id7fe24c9c1ae41
(cherry picked from commit 49da8afb897ad62