Comment 4 for bug 500119

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GMaq (info-bandshed) wrote :

Hello Andy,

Thanks for the reply. As I have have said to Jonathan...I have a lot of ideas but little coding experience so if what I ask is impossible or difficult forgive my ignorance.

To answer your question, yes AV Linux uses libsdl1.2debian-alsa. I recall reading awhile back about using pyjack with Blender to sync with Ardour, I can't recall which version of pyjack it was though and I haven't personally tested it. So far on the video side of things having no Pulseaudio hasn't been detrimental to AV Linux...even LiVES will work with sox or JACK and Cinelerra was around long before Pulseaudio as I'm sure you know.

I understand many Openshot users won't know or care about what JACK can do, but the extended functionality would take Openshot's capabilities far into the "Prosumer" market.

Thanks for even looking into this. -GLEN