Comment 22 for bug 579419

Revision history for this message
evolvedlight (steve-evolvedlight) wrote :


I'm back now. Tried for 2 days to implement vector drawing in opengl using the source data, but kept being stupid, so giving up until I have some more free time.

I would recommend the following changes to SatNavActivity onLocationChanged():

The first line should be just
 if (newLocation != null) {

and then the line

if (this.routeOverlay != null && this.autoFollowing && this.mOsmv.getZoomLevel()>14) {

should actually have a check for accuracy instead:

if (this.routeOverlay != null && this.autoFollowing && this.mOsmv.getZoomLevel()>14 && aLocation.getAccuracy < 20) {

that means if the accuracy is less than 20m, dont try calculating a new route overlay.

Personally, in terms of the two location providers, I fully agree that when the GPS location provider is active, the network provider should be immediately deactivated, and that solves other problems.
