On Monday 18 January 2010, you wrote:
> >
> > pathsep has to do with directories notation, doesn't it?
> That's what one would think yeah, but it's not the case. The directory
> separator is os.path.sep, os.path.pathsep is the $PATH separator, and is
> defined in the various platform-specific *path.py files:
Now that I think of it, it would be a genuinely bad idea to have a system-
specific delimiter, instead of a global (for all installations of OpenERP).
If we just admit that we wouldn't install OpenERP in a strange path
(containing spaces, commas or else), we can reserve those characters for our
addons list delimiter.
On Monday 18 January 2010, you wrote:
> >
> > pathsep has to do with directories notation, doesn't it?
> That's what one would think yeah, but it's not the case. The directory
> separator is os.path.sep, os.path.pathsep is the $PATH separator, and is
> defined in the various platform-specific *path.py files:
Now that I think of it, it would be a genuinely bad idea to have a system-
specific delimiter, instead of a global (for all installations of OpenERP).
If we just admit that we wouldn't install OpenERP in a strange path
(containing spaces, commas or else), we can reserve those characters for our
addons list delimiter.