Comment 0 for bug 821583

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Sébastien BEAU - (sebastien.beau) wrote : function field type many2one and store=True doesn't work

I am migrating my customer from v5 to v6 (with OPW : M10120866-mzcusrpk : Adaptoo)
I make some imporvement for is V6 and I have a problem with the function field

I try to create a function fields with the type many2one and the option store=True. The problem is that the field is still read from the function and never from the database. It look like the option store=True is never use in reading.

exemple add this field to sale_shop

    def _get_test_id(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
        print 'get test'
        for id in ids:
            res[id] = 1
        return res

        'test': fields.function(_get_test_id, type='many2one',
                relation='product.product', string='Product', method=True,

And open the sale shop. You will see that each time the sale_shop is open the field test is read from the function "_get_test_id" and not directly from the database.

I have this bug with the last version of openerp 6.0

I also send a mail to the support team.
Best Regard