Comment 4 for bug 768817

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Ferdinand (office-chricar) wrote :

OK I see the problem
to reproduce (may be you need more accounting data)

click group by "Acc Type"
(make sure that in one group are accounts with positive and negative balance)

now set a filter balance > 0
the is NOT applied on the group balance - what the user sees - but to sums "below" group level (which the user does not see)

hence the user (even myself) does not know what exactly is filtered ( I suppose the lowest level of the query , but without looking into the code I do not know what it is.)

IMHO it's a real life problem to allow/do analysis without knowing the data

to get correct/expected results it would be necessary to define on which level each filter has to be applied.

BTW why filter exists for account balance etc and not for products real stock ?