Comment 62 for bug 1160365

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Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :

Just a little note about this concern.
Today I have received a really good detailed requirement analysis document from a lead asking for a quotation.

One of the requirements I'm reading just on document beginning:

A child table of PEOPLE - ADRESSDETAILS must be created in a separate table containing exactly this fields:
Address Line 1* Text
Address Line 2 Text
Address Line 3 Text
Town / City* Text
State / Province / County Text
Zip Code / Post Code Text
Country* Dropdown
Mail Box Text
Street Number Text
Type* Dropdown
People meaning could be any CONTACT related to a company, an EMPLOYEE, an APLICANT, a CANDIDATE.
So... They are considering different entity partner-people and they need having address in a separate entity. On the other side, I see really difficult offering solution with OpenERP 7.0 aproach to this new VERY BIG lead. Really affordable with OpenERP 6.X. What should I do? Wait for a solution and probably lose the customer? Make quotation with 6.1? For me answer is clear on this point.
It's not my intention adding more wood to make fire bigger, just to try to show real customer/leads needs. I thought it was interesting telling you this case that happened to me today.
Thank you very much: