Comment 21 for bug 1151947

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Ana Juaristi Olalde (ajuaristio) wrote :

@olivier: I just wanted to point that in previous version a partner was only created if you needed creating a partner but now, there is several points on system that is duplicating partner record. Several records with same/different data could cause heavy integrity errors on several situations.
So... for me the aproach wouldn't be so bad if it's redesigned somehow but it should be redesigned.

There is 2 different entities:
.- People, needing Name + surname + several data as personal address, job address, Identity card... etc. People and could be employees (needing another different data) or contacts (needing another ones)
.- Company, needing only Name + several other fiscal data (including VAT) + several different addresses where people are related to.
On the other side there is entities you have to invoice to or they invoice to you. This could be companies or people.

The last one you have got addresses, related to people, companies, employeess or whatever other entity you need. One address is nothing more than one address. Many2many with all other entities. One same address can be related to any other entity, so including address on partner, not having address separate entity is itself one bad basic db error that's going to cause yes or yes integrity errors when you need several of them. That's what's happening now.

So.. if the idea is having one single entity including data once but extending this data inheriting it where ever you need, it would be OK but if you try to make one single entity that you have got to duplicate each time you need it again... something it's wrong. And I think the actual aproach it's not covering first scenario but second one.

On older aproachs, this entities where separate and you could use almost as you needed. It was quite clear you could invoice only to companies, you had "contact" aproach, you could reuse "contact" for several addresses, you could reuse address on other areas... Your employes where only employees and if they where also partners it was when you needed it... So, IMHO, the aproach was quite better that it is now.

My 2cents.