Comment 0 for bug 789470

Revision history for this message
Steffi Frank (Bremskerl, DE) (steffi-frank) wrote :

addons: 4578 (merge)
server: 3431
client: 4610

Initial situation:
- product: stockable, MTO, to produce, autopicking, no lot tracking
- SO, 4.000 pce, confirmed
- related MO in state 'In Production'
- related delivery order: picking list OUT/00116 in state 'confirmed'

Steps to reproduce the misfeature:

- MO: partial production 1.000 pce, validate
- delivery orders: OUT/00116 is available now
- Open OUT/00116, process, change qty to 1.000, validate

the 'Create Invoice' window pops up (still OUT/00116 in the background)
(note: module stock_invoice_directly is not installed)
- create invoice
- open draft invoice

Observed behaviour
the rest of the qty (3.000 pce) became invoiced instead of the 1.000 delivered!!!! In 'Other Info' you find 'Source document = OUT/00116:SO00121'.

Back to 'Delivery Orders' you see 2 picking lists:
OUT/00116 with qty 3.000 'state = available' and 'invoice control = invoiced' - should be 'to be invoiced'
OUT/00236 with qty 1.000 'state = Done' and 'invoice control = to be invoiced' - should be 'invoiced'

HENCE: in partial delivery the wrong picking list gets invoiced!