Comment 1 for bug 787954

Revision history for this message
Rucha (Open ERP) (rpa-openerp) wrote :

Hi Steffi,
indeed this is a problem when you cancel partially product MO,
but adding a new state will not solve this problem properly,

After fixing:
I have a MO with 10 qty,
I produce 8 qty,
I cancel the MO and the state will be "Done Partial" (Instead of "Canceled" )

again for this case we have no way to find how much qtys are produced and how much qtys are canceled without production from the lists of MO, as we did nothing except changed state to "Done Partial" Instead of "Canceled" , (yes, of course it will give a small hint and we can check it by opening the form view when we see the state "Done Partial")
if we want to find out the qty, we can check the produced (done) and/or canceled in field "Consumed Products" on form view of MO, (yes its not a good solution right now)

to summarize:
we can not adapt the changes to add new state (not a good solution as we also have to take care about the workflow)
may be you if have a problem with the production report we will have a look on that,
Can you please share your views?
