Maybe I found a simple and efficient way to implement computation by column, without compromises.
Everyone interested can try 'account_invoice_tax_by_column' module contained in the following branch: and give feedback.
If someone had some more crucial scenarios to test, we can add them to automated tests:
Maybe I found a simple and efficient way to implement computation by column, without compromises.
Everyone interested can try 'account_ invoice_ tax_by_ column' module contained in the following branch: /code.launchpad .net/~openerp- community/ openobject- italia/ refactoring_ account_ invoice_ tax_by_ column
and give feedback.
If someone had some more crucial scenarios to test, we can add them to automated tests: bazaar. launchpad. net/~openerp- community/ openobject- italia/ refactoring_ account_ invoice_ tax_by_ column/ files/149/ account_ invoice_ tax_by_ column/ test/