Comment 0 for bug 681006

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Carlos Ch. (solracch) wrote :


the analysis view is here: Purchases->Reporting->Receptions analysis

why is it called "Receptions Analysis" since it shows all the stock moves (incoming + internal + outgoing)

1- should it be "stock moves Analysis" ?
2- should it be placed in Warehouse->Reporting->Stock moves analysis
3- if it's supposed ti show only receptions, the outgoing button should me removed (the internal button too maybe...if it's purchases related...)
4-for outgoing stock moves, it shows both stock moves for a chained locations, so the aggregated sum is not correct and this may lead to misunderstandings (i.e from demo data: the packing OUT/0001 appears twice: one to the "output" location...and the other one to the "customers" locations, but it is the same product moving thru a chained the quantity is duplicated)
