Comment 5 for bug 670451

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Steffi Frank (Bremskerl, DE) (steffi-frank) wrote : Re: [trunk][stock and mrp] LOT traceability is broken

When you start thinking of changing your concept in the code please think of changing the terminolgy as well: not only in Food, chemical and pharma manufacturing industry we are talking about batches instead of lots, true?

Yes, it's true: in all ERP systems I've ever worked in (even if I just had a look at them):
you have to enable/disable ONE parameter to set a product batch handled or not. And if you enabled this parameter the software guarantees that NO stock move could be validated without assigning a batch.

@Nhomar: this is not just a claim in food industry. Even for manufacturing brake linings we have to ensure a full traceability, including material sent to subcontractors and its usage in finished goods in China.

We reported a few bugs about this issue - still waiting for answers (and it does not sound very promising when you find out your bug is set to 'whishlist')

If OpenERP still pursures the strategy to become one of the top 10 ERP providers (and I really would appreciate this!) you quite soon should start reviewing the philosophy in stock management and manufacturing

It would be fair enough to let us know about the descisions made by OpenERP....